Jackson Elementary School

Kindergarten Registration January 20th, 2025 at 8:30 AM

 Kindergarten registration will commence on Monday, January 20th, 2025, beginning at 8:30 AM


Families new to Jackson Elementary School may choose one of the following three options to register:

  • Fillable registration forms (see below) can be downloaded and completed and brought to the school  along with supporting documents (see list below). 
  • Registration forms may be completed or can be picked up from the school office on January 20th after 8:30 AM and thereafter and then completed and returned with supporting documents.
  • MyEd online Registration (requires a computer, not a cell phone) Please ensure you have completed ALL information and provide ALL documents required.  * You will still be required to make an appointment and visit the school office to have your registration completed.  

* A registration will be considered complete when a parent/guardian has completed the AP 336 Registration forms and provided the required supporting documents: 

  • Parent Photo ID and Parent Canadian Birth Certificate, Passport, Citizenship card or PR card
  • Two pieces of proof of residency from the following:  

    Primary source:  Utility/Electrical Bill, CRA document or a MSP invoice/statement 

    Secondary source: Internet Service bill, Home Purchase contract, Insurance statements/policies or a Employee pay slip.   

  • Child Birth Certificate with parent names

**Families with siblings already registered in the school district will be able to register by emailing jackson@abbyschools.ca and requesting the registration package.  They can provide their identification documents electronically along with the completed APP 336. 

 All visitors are required to adhere to provincial health regulations and follow current school district protocols. We ask that you kindly respect the no scent environment at the school due to staff with scent allergies.

Kindergarten Gradual Entry Information for 2025 - 2026 will be sent out by our Kindergarten teachers end of August to beginning of September.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office at 604-859-5826 during the office hours:  8:00 AM- 3:00 PM.